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The Main frame of the clock has been assembled and now awaits a ride some 150 feet in the air to it's new home atop the Milam County Courthouse.

Clock Tower Almost Ready!

     Several Trucks pulled into downtown Cameron Tuesday night from Campbellsville, Kentucky  with the long anticipated "crown" for Milam County's Historic Courthouse.    The clock tower and goddess  will crown the  courthouse in Cameron's downtown district.    Weather permitting, the 12,000 pound decorative tower will be hoisted by crane to the 24,000 pound metal frame constructed earlier by project contractor EBCO Development of Cameron.  

  The Williams Co. AIA, from Austin have been working with the county for several years on restoring the courthouse.

  The original clock tower was constructed several years after the courthouse was complete in 1892.  It was removed in the 1930's due to structural problems. 

            The $450,000 courthouse renovation project is being financed by a Texas Department of Transportation enhancement grant, and $158,000 in local contributions.   Following the completion of the courthouse work, a "Walk thruough History" sidewalk using paving bricks will be built.  The bricks will contain names of families, organizations, churches and businesses that participated in the sponsorship of the pathway as a fundraiser. 

     Although this phase of the renovation will soon be complete, County Judge Frank Summers said recently the county plans to apply for up to $2.5 million in new state grant money to finance several other pending projects, such as the installation of authentic windows and doors, repairing decorative woodwork, a more aesthetic heating and air conditioning system, and possibly removing the elevator and rebuilding stairs to the second floor on the west side.  The State Legislature recently appropriated $50 million to aid counties in courthouse restoration. 

     The Tower once complete, which could be as early as July 2nd, could be hoisted some 150 feet to it's new home.

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Workers continue to construct clock platform Thursday

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The 11 ft. Goddess awaits new home The Pedastal where the Goddess will stand
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Workers Tuesday prepare for installation of Clock Tower Workers put the Tower together like a puzzle, seemingly by memory.  Onlookers say they haven't seen workers look at one plan during the process.

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