ANTICIPATION OF MILAM COUNTY'S CLOCKTOWER! Workers set pieces into place Fits like a Glove? Another phase almost complete Just a little to the left Clock gets into place The Steeple goes next Gorgeous view Workers head to the top to take the handoff of the Goddess at the pinacle of the Clocktower Goddess is taken from the crate Brown takes the hand off from the crane Workers make the final adjustments Goddess lands
Courthouse worker looks up from the inside at the work (Cameron) After years of anticipation, and several days of fitting the puzzle together workers began the tedious job of hoisting the Clocktower and Goddess of Justice high atop Milam County's Historic Courthouse in front of crowds that came and went through out the day watching the progress. Milam County Judge Frank Summers and Pct. 2 Commissioner Troy Mode watch progress up close and personal Clock on the way to it's new home Some of the hundreds that watched the progress in downtown Cameron Clock gets closer to home It's a long way up there Worker waits on another piece of the Clocktower Workers lay another piece into place Workers make final adjustments to the Goddess before sending her to the top Alvah Brown of Ebco Development ties himself securely before he undertakes the task of guiding the Goddess of Justice to her final resting place Going up A final look at the new addition to the Courthouse |