Friday Party Line


For Sale Large Round bales of fertilized Coastal hay, Pettibone call for details and price  254-760-0989


Huge garage sale Saturday, March 15, at 8:00 AM. 1207 E. 12th St., Cameron, Texas. A lot of everything – clothes, shoes, books, CDs, linens, collectible dolls, King size box springs and mattress, and so much more. All priced to sell!


Looking For and old water cistern to collect rain water, any size  254-314-0066


For sale in bed pickup tool box or good for flat bed trailer  length 58″  width 20″ depth 15″call 254-721-7699


Will do trash/house clean up/haul offs for a fee,  Free scrap metal hauling  TEXT 254-231-2405


Looking for a good used vehicle for granddaughter, price depends on condition.  Also looking for use 3/4 ton ford truck.  Rockdale  512-775-8405


For Sale    2013 Harley Davidson Sportster XL ,  1200cc  5 speed,   yellow/orange, good tires, lots of chrome, 4000 miles   $8000 Negotiable call Dave 254-534-8809


For Sale   4 repop hub caps for 1949-1950 Ford $150.00  call Mike @ 713 775 3526


For Sale round table with 4 heavy duty wrought iron and wood chairs $200,    254-721-3837


For Sale  14 month old pole Hereford bull  254-394-0344


For Sale Outdoor equipment, Wagon, Wheel Barrow, Electric Push Mower and more  512-760-7399


For sale  40′ gooseneck 2022 Texas Pride flatbed trailer. 12,000 lb. axle.  Comes with extra new spare tire. Call or text  254-217-7454


For Sale 1018 CS Moto 500cc and a 2004 F150 Crew Cab call for details 254-913-8152


Have lawn mower yard machines 20″ for sale in good condition, like new condition price $120 obo  in Belton my number 512 -739- 9339


For Sale  John Deer Riding Lawn Mower $1000  512-760-7399


For Sale   A  2023   7 x 16   Cargo trailer (7000lb) 254-482-1086


Have male and female blue heeler pups available. 6 weeks old. located in Temple ,Call or text 254-721-5738


For sale  have a Still Chain Saw MS 390and an MSo29 $250 ea., a Remington Chain Saw,  a 5×10 trailer Heavy Duty , Square Bales coastal hay , Oak wood firewood  254-482-3984


Wanting to buy antenna tower sections (Rohn 25G), please call/text Mark (254)644-8473.


For Sale   2010 Harley Davidson   call , Leave a message   254-697-8376


For Sale    has A collection of 60 to 70 old Radios also, Queen size bed frame headboard, footboard and rails  call for information  512-760-6086  Looking to trade Rail Adjustable Bed for a king size mattress and box spring 512-760-6086


For Sale A dinette table with 6 chairs and 2 leaf’s 254-760-1451

wanting to purchase a 9–18-month-old Hereford bull. Contact 254-217-7454.


Looking to build Chicken Coops anywhere, anytime 254-534-8913


For Sale John Deer riding lawn mower, no deck $150, 17hp motor, Chain Saws and Weed eaters (non working)   254-791-3035


For Sale  4  doors variety of sizes $15 ea.  2 light weight seats $40 for both  254-605-0110.


Want to lease land for cattle grazing, will do improvements, Ag exemption. references available 254-721-5887


For Sale  4 week old Black Bull,  on bottle  $550  254-760-6211

For Sale   Ford/New Holland Service Parts Catalog for tractors 2600-7700, 1975 thru 1983,  Ford Operators Manual for tractors 2600, 3600, 4100, and 4600,   Ford Shop Manual for tractors 2310 thru 4100 (after 1974), 4110 thru 4610 (prior to 1984) ,   All in excellent condition – paid $150.00 all for $50.00 Elston Gopher Bait 3 point hookup machine  Asking $1500    Call Mike at 713 775 3526


For Sale 2021 F150 Tunnel Cover $400 and Roll John Deer Netting 21,000 feet 254-931-6774


For Sale 8000 BTU Air Conditioner  830-888-3504


For Sale  scraper, shredder and adaptor for round bales of hay,  antique cash Register, Juke Box 10 acre/5 acre and 1/2 acre of land in Heidenheimer area 254-493-2408


For sale 14000 BTU portable electric heater 220 volt $40.00 also window air conditioner with heat 24000 BTU 220 volt $200 call 254-283-3301 location Rockdale.

For Sale   6  month Old Baby Buffalo  254-541-9762  Harold

For Sale   All kinds of Farm equipment call for information and details on equipment  254-697-1139


For Sale 2 Dearborn heaters, 2 bar stools, 1 recliner, chest of drawers and 2 pickups.  Looking for a Cargo trailer  leave a message 254-654-3742


For Sale 2 extension Ladders Heavy duty painters ladders $150 for both ,  service for 12 Mikasa French County Dinner ware $175 or best offer  254-482-0610


Looking For Work has own tools and truck 254-455-0157


Looking for houses to clean or raking, mowing, Yard Work, painting  254-627-0236

Looking for donations of  washing machine,  55″ TV, all sizes  Towels, coffee table, curtains and lamps, deep freezer, rack, lawn mower looking for a  car for $500 , looking for house cleaning in Cameron/Rockdale  254-455-0903


For sale  Massey Ferguson 1745 makes 4×5 Bales, 2 new rolls of string comes with it 95% bearings have been replaced within the last year. requires only 40 hp. makes really good tight bales. Asking $8500, but will negotiate Call or Text 254-217-7454.

For sale 25 acres outside Lexington (Fedor) and items from a garage sale 979-540-9544

For Sale  2″ angle Iron,   4×6 wood 10′ and 12′ ,   2003 dodge pickup transmission 1/2 ton gas and Dodge pickup Running board, cinder blocks.   Looking For  Goat Wire and wood 4″x 8′,  , Oak Firewood. 254-295-6053

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